Central Saanich Lawn Bowls Club

Come and Join Us!
Central Saanich Lawn Bowls Club offers an inclusive environment, for a wide range of age groups and fun activities. No experience necessary. Whether you are looking for a social activity, some exercise, a fun or competitive game, our club has lots to offer. Our members are friendly and welcoming, and our annual fees are reasonable. Come and check us out. Our Club is located in Centennial Park, 1800 Hovey Road, Saanichton.
Lawn bowling is an inclusive sport that anyone can play. The Central Saanich Lawn Bowls Club offers a variety of activities, including:
Outdoor lawn bowling from April to October,
Indoor Carpet bowling,
Indoor Short Mat bowling,
Variety of card games
Mexican Train
Many other fundraising and social events throughout the year.
Are you curious about the game and want to give it a try? Contact us today. We have experienced coaches that are here to help new bowlers learn the game. Your only regret will be that you didn’t do it sooner!
Health professionals worldwide have recommended participating in lawn bowling, particularly for our seniors, as it provides several health benefits, including:
Improved fitness (maintaining muscle mass, low impact form of exercise is kind to muscles and joints),
Improved vascular health,
Improved coordination and skill development,
Improved cognitive health,
Increased confidence and self-esteem,
Enhanced mental well-being,
Improved mood, social relationships and enjoyment of life.

The Central Saanich Lawn Bowls Club would like to recognize and thank our Play For Life sponsors.

The Executive Committee and membership of the Central Saanich Lawn Bowls club would like to recognize and thank the District of Central Saanich for their support of the Club on many levels, including the annual tax exemption. This support enhances the quality of life of our members and assists in the delivery of our various programs while keeping membership fees at a reasonable level.